● 全膚質
● 抗皺核心
● 后頂規妝前霜
● 天氣精粹™,含山蔘玉珠、鹿茸骨粉、當歸、茯苓在內的營養成份,賦以內髓,補以滋養
● 鑽石與珍珠的奢華肌色,平衡妳的不平衡
● Cream gold 金玉色:含 58% 水份與保濕成份,優雅透明感光澤,宛若天生
● This premium base makes bright and luxurious gloss on skin realizing a delicate shine and luster of diamonds while refining skin tone evenly. Cream gold color that matches all skin tone makes natural and elegant regardless of skin type.
● Pink 粉嫩色:含 80%以上 水份和保濕成份,活潑水光感光澤,立體明亮層次
● A premium base made with diamond, pearl and Radiant Powder Technology™ giving a transparent, bright and radiant look with a sensnous, luminous glow. The luxurious pink-toned base brightens darkness and dullness of skin toward a livey look, with a flourish of sparkle indise out.
● 華炫保養成份粉底,自然高貴妝感
● A premium foundation for creating a sensnous, luminous glow with the sparkle of diamond. Enhanced with Cheongidam Radiant Essence ingredients for a smooth, elastic finish. The texture spreads widely and softly with ease and adheres closely on skin, giving a bright result with a luxurious radiance.
● 特惠內容:
1. 華炫精華美肌乳 40ml (正品)
1. 華炫精華粉露 40ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 真該潤巧護液 13ml X4 (52ml) * 正品量