● 全膚質
● 清氣益壽精粹 + 瓊玉精粹 + 蓮花生氣精粹
● 水亮清透,循環退熱,補水平衡,蜜出女王水潤肌顏
● A hrdrating balancer that keeps the skin hydrated, helping the skin look fresh and soothed.
● 補濕彈潤,遞送營養,柔滑肌理,蜜出女王水潤肌顏
● A hrdrating emulsion that keeps the skin hydrated and nourished, keeping the skin look fresh and soothed.
● 精華凝乳質地,修復乾損,長效補水,深層循環,蜜出女王水潤肌顏
● This is the essence that supplies clear moisture to the skin that maintains the inside of the skin moist amidst dryness and that maintains the moisturizing feel for a long time even during everyday life.
● 水乳霜質地,消抵粗乾,深層補濕,彈力潤澤,蜜出女王水潤肌顏
● This protects against all types of factors that cause skin's dryness, facilitates the flow of the moisture and turns the skin elastic at the same time. This cream can be applied continually regardless of the season and can be applied if user wants to maintain moisture for a long time due to skin dryness.
● 水凝霜質地,消抵粗乾,四季補水,親和鎖水,蜜出女王水潤肌顏
● This is the cream that sustains the moist feeling by energizing the skin through the alleviation of the dryness of the skin, exposed to hazardous environment. This is ideal for the skin that is not very dry, but that has to maintain sense of moisture for a long time.
● 淡彩唇膏,最小顯色力 + 最大保濕性
● 保濕、彈力、可潤色、護唇膏
● The sheer stick lip balm that moisturizes a dry lip, presenting a natural lip color.
● 特惠內容:
1. 水妍水 150ml (正品)
2. 水妍乳 110ml (正品)
3. 水妍精華 45ml (正品)
4. 水妍津霜 50ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 皇后淡彩潤唇膏 * Pink 3.3g (正品)
+ Gift free + 皇后金典天絨唇釉 * 18號 2.1g * 迷你版
+ Gift free + 水妍水 20ml
+ Gift free + 水妍乳 20ml
+ Gift free + 水妍夜膜 30ml
+ Gift free + 水妍洗顏蜜 40ml
+ Gift free + 水妍霜 20ml (精巧版正品)