● 全膚質
● 美白+抗皺雙核心
● 天氣精粹™,含山蔘玉珠、鹿茸骨粉、當歸、茯苓在內的營養成份,賦以內髓,補以滋養
● 牡丹蕾絲絕美篩網
● 淡化色斑、細緻光透,上妝?不只,還在保養
● The premiun foundation completes resilient and radiant skin by just one touch of application with its moist low viscosity foundation that comes out though elastic fabric and perfectly adheres to skin. It keeps bright skin tone and smooth skin texture all day long without melting off, making luxurious looking skin.
● 15g + 15g + 15g + 1粉盒 + 3氣墊粉撲 + 短柄粉底刷
● 特惠內容:
1. 華炫氣墊粉露 * 21號 15g X3 (含限量版粉盒、粉刷正品)
+ Gift free + 皇后金典天絨唇膏 * 24號 1.3g * 迷你版
+ Gift free + 華炫精華美肌乳 * Pink 8ml