● 四歲以上幼童、女性全齡
● 含9.5% 有機蘆薈 + 蒲公英萃取,為私密處創造爽淨環境,舒緩鎮靜
● 天然植物係衍生的清潔成份,捍衛珍貴的私密位PH值
● 弱酸性慕絲型泡泡,減少私密部位摩擦,溫和不刺激
● 無香料,適用於日常護理,保濕舒緩,每日潔淨飛揚
● An absolutely non-irritating cleanser made with naturally derived almond oil detergents, and no artificial fragrances. And hypoallergenic cleanser gently removes impurities while soothing irritated skin with soothing dandelion extract, and organic aloe vera. Take care of yourself with something gentle, it's safe for daily use by females over the age of four.