● 全膚質
● 抗皺核心
● 臉部、身體皆可使用,透明無色
● 5-Defense System:五重防禦系統,阻斷A、B、紅光、藍光、細微塵霾
● WaterLux™ :水珠爆裂,水感湧出,清涼舒緩
● 50/4+,戶外運動、遛日強效
● It is a sunscreen that can withstand the harshest situations with a maximum 6-PROOF, offering 360˚ defense that releases all restrictions during leisure and outdoor activities with strong resilience to high temperatures, water, and excellent water resistance.
● 全膚質
● 美白+抗皺雙核心
● 建議臉部使用,透明無色
● 5-Defense System:五重防禦系統,阻斷A、B、紅光、藍光、細微塵霾
● Demo Network Protection™ 2.0:含ß-胡蘿蔔素、葵花籽油、維他命E的HERA獨家抗老專利成份
● 保濕霜ˊ質地的棒型防護霜,將熱門護膚棒安上防護翅膀,輕薄水潤,豔陽下一棒無敵
● 降溫補水,清涼舒緩 (-2ºC)、防水、耐汗、阻海沙,一棒劃過,還具貼合妝效能力
● 50/4+,戶外運動、遛日強效
● Effortless and mess-free portable sun balm with a clean formula, Hera UV Protector Active Sun Balm offers a powerful and meticulous sun care in everyday life. Sun balm applies thinly onto the skin even on top of makeup, leaving the skin with a dewy finish.
● 特惠內容:
1. 極光全方位光斷防禦乳 70ml (正品)
2. 極光全方位全能快捷防禦棒 10g (正品)
+ Gift free + 極光新白潔容霜 50g
+ Gift free + 極光水鎮舒紅面膜 23ml X4 (限量 / 未價)