● 全膚質
● 天然成份佔比 100%
● 將精油添加至6種100%植物油中 (向日葵籽油、甜杏仁油、橄欖油等),成為基礎油,可滋潤皮膚
● 利用沐浴後身體的微濕潤狀態適量塗抹,形成油潤的保濕膜
○ TIP:適量添加至身體乳中,增加精油護膚功效
○ TIP:適當地塗抹於需要的部位按摩,例如腹股溝、腋下等,或(薄荷)散熱、或(生薑)生熱,
循環身體潤澤油 (杜松子 & 生薑)
● 主要精油:杜松子油 、生薑油
● 協和精油:玫瑰果油、廣藿香油、荷荷芭油
● 香薰療法:通啟能量與溫暖自由流動的秘密路徑
● Juniper berry and ginger essential oils are filled with warm energy, which helps to restore balance to the body. The power of juniper berry opens up a path within the body, and the warmth of ginger allows energy to flow freely, together restoring balance to the core.
寧靜身體潤澤油 (薰衣草 & 馬鬱蘭)
● 主要精油:薰衣草油 、馬鬱蘭油
● 協和精油:薰衣草油、荷荷芭油、佛手柑油、安息香油、欖香脂油、月見草油
● 香薰療法:闢一處棲息地,安下身心,享受只有自己的寧靜
● Lavender essential oil calms down unstable moods and re-energizes your burnt out, lethargic body. In addition, marjoram oil clears out unnecessary emotions and fortifies your innate strength.
甦活身體潤澤ˋ油 (薄荷 & 尤加利)
● 主要精油:薄荷油 、尤加利油
● 協和精油:荷荷芭油、迷迭香油、雪松油、薰衣草油、安息香油、月見草油、德國洋甘菊油
● 香薰療法:別再迷走,打開新視野、喚醒正能量,激發超靈感
● Peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils awaken the fatigued mind and body and add vitality and positive energy. Peppermint awakens the forgotten senses within the mind and body, and eucalyptus opens the door for new energies to enter, allowing for new refreshing vision and thoughts to emerge.
擁抱身體潤澤油 (橙花 & 廣藿香)
● 主要精油:橙花油 、廣藿香油
● 協和精油:佛手柑油
● 香薰療法:消退惡魔,匡正思緒,伸屈展度,擁抱自信
● White delicate flower Neroli offers a comfortable state by effectively removing heat from your tired mind and body, with Patchouli helping you become resilient to be able to embrace all.
醇厚身體潤澤油 (木蘭 & 檀香)
● 主要精油:木蘭花油 、檀香油
● 協和精油:茉莉花油、天竺葵油
● OLEO 4-Firming Complex™:酵素活化法萃取4種植物油,提高身體肌膚彈力、密度和保濕度
● 香薰療法:消除暈眩雜念,莫棄醇實初衷,既便泡在一團爛泥裡,仍要優雅地匍匐前進