● 長全度 24cm X 全寬度 8.5cm X 厚度1.3cm (±0.5cm)
● 頭部長度 9.8cm X 頭部寬度 6.65cm
● 製作優質傢俱的山毛櫸木 + 天然胡桃油塗層 (無化學性塗料)
● 海豚型,臉部與身體多向性木質刮痧按摩板
● 走淋巴路線,緩解過度緊張的肌肉、排出全身廢毒
● 不用電、不用震、隨時隨地、全身從頭至腳紓壓、刮痧自己來
● By loosening muscles through the stimulation of nerves and blood vessels that pass between muscles with the dolphin face & body massage tool, you can promote metabolism and impurity discharge and have brighter, firm skin as a result. In addition, by stimulating the lymph, which works like a septic tank in our body, we can discharge impurities from our body and revitalize our immune system. With the wooden dolphin massage tool, keep our body healthy from external virus through the circulation and purification of body fluid by stimulating the armpits, around the neck, and groins where lymph nodes are located.