● 9g (每組12色)
● 每款色組合皆有一主色調,依四季色彩概念延伸與之協和的顏色配對,詮釋各種心情和目的
● 不僅僅是眼影,眉峰與眉色整型、出亮與出陰,修飾黑眼圈、製造黑眼圈,更或者,打腮紅
● 超薄質地,超密貼合
● 產品細節點選連結:
○ 01號 Posh Coral :珊瑚色主調與奢華金米,春陽統一了甜美
○ 02號 Savage Mauve:繽紛粉紅家族,佐入點點紫紅輕狂,夏掠我行,且我素
○ 03號 Vintage Mute:伯爵褐與詩意灰,秋颯和平儀式,談判與約會,雙殺!
○ 04號 Geek Gray:梅李色與灰紫交融,霸虐冬風,出格的瘋
● This is an eyeshadow palette that completes your look from brows to under-eye shading all at once. It boasts a high-sensitivity color spectrum tailored to your skin tone and features a mirror on the back of the case, allowing you to apply makeup anytime, anywhere.