● 全膚質
● Chiffon Ceramide™:天然雪紡神經酰胺 (賽珞美) ,結構類似於肌膚天然護水屏障
● 豐密奶泡,輕柔洗顏,溫和水潤
● A hypoallergenic cleansing foam which enables you to wash your face gently without irritation and lwaves your skin clear and moisturized. A pink paste foam which presents you the refreshing and moist finishing touch because the elastic and fine texture turns into rich foam and is softly cleansed like milk.
● 禮盒內容:
1. 雪紡保濕洗顏乳 200ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 雪紡保濕洗顏乳 100ml * 旅行版