● 全膚質
● 美白+抗皺雙核心
● Rice Vegan Ceramide™ + Skin Balancer™
● Rice Vegan Ceramide™:嚴選韓國驪州小農有機稻米,經360小時的兩次發酵出的紅米萃取液,
第三步再與植物源的神經醯胺 (賽珞美) 成份結合,具壓倒性保濕力與天然助白性,強化肌屏、
● Skin Balancer™:韓律肌膚平衡美學--植物發酵的乳酸菌發酵液 (後生元),提升肌膚基礎力量,
● 如優格質地般的乳霜,100小時滋潤柔滑,提高密度彈力,增強自然肌彈力與防禦力
● 素食認證,8不添加
● Red rice cream provides deep hydration and elasticity by comfortably applied on skin and strengthen the moisture barrier to complete moisturizing and firm skin, which reaches 10th layer of the skin in just 1 second to improve skin surface moisture by 411% and inner skin moisture by 204%.
● 特惠內容:
1. 驪州紅米彈力霜 55ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 驪州紅米彈力露 18ml
+ Gift free + 驪州紅米彈力乳 18ml
+ Gift free + 驪州紅米彈力霜 15ml