水酷潤澤露 (橘)
● 全膚質~中乾膚質
● Blue Hyaluronic Acid + 81.1% Beta Pro-nol Complex™
● Blue Hyaluronic Acid:萃取自海藻的藻醣膠,經兩次發酵,10倍濃縮純化後得到僅有0.5kDa (道爾頓)
大小的「藍色玻尿酸」,體積為一般玻尿酸的1/2000,具263 倍吸收速度,300% 的強效修復保濕效果
● Beta Pro-nol Complex™:β-葡聚醣+乳酸菌+泛醇組成的複合物,含量81.1%,補濕強屏
● 精華液等級的化妝水,迅速撫平乾燥和緊繃感,從內補水,修復受損的屏障
● This puts essence and toner in a bottle to easily recharge moisture in the skin and improve it giving it a soft skin texture.
● 全膚質~中乾膚質
● Blue Hyaluronic Acid + Beta Pro-nol Complex™
● Blue Hyaluronic Acid:萃取自海藻的藻醣膠,經兩次發酵,10倍濃縮純化後得到僅有0.5kDa (道爾頓)
大小的「藍色玻尿酸」,體積為一般玻尿酸的1/2000,具263 倍吸收速度,300% 的強效修復保濕效果
● Beta Pro-nol Complex™:β-葡聚醣+乳酸菌+泛醇組成的複合物,補濕強屏
● 高保濕親膚乳液,在皮膚深處形成緻密的保濕層,滋潤強屏
● This intensive moisturizing emulsion melts in gently to build a moisture barrier in the skin, boost its strength and radiance, and nourish.
● 禮盒內容:
1. 水酷保濕露 160ml (正品)
2. 水酷保濕乳 120ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 水酷潤澤露 25ml
+ Gift free + 水酷潤澤乳 25ml
+ Gift free + 水酷水乳霜 10ml
+ Gift free + 水酷洗顏乳 30g
+ Gift free + 睡美人晚安凝膜 15ml