● 全膚質
● 抗皺核心
● 津率享,調節女性精、氣、神
● 紅蔘 + 紅花肌精粹 + 加味牡丹精粹 + 精氣補率精粹
● 紅花肌精粹:含人蔘在內的五種植物精粹,白透紅活力
● 加味牡丹精粹:含牡丹在內的七種植物精粹,強屏賦活
● 精氣補率精粹:含石榴在內的三種植物精粹,抗氧煥活
津率享平衡水 / 平衡乳 / 滋養霜
● 平衡、滋養、彈力、緊緻
● This Moisturizing Toner actively restores moiture to dry skin and refines skin texture and creates clear, bright skin complexion. This rich, hydrating lotion nourishes and replenishes the skin absorbing quickly without leaving greasy residue. This Essential Cream provides hours of hydration to keep skin soft, supple and intensely moisturized all night. With pleasant texture, this rich cream balances skin's natural cycles overnight for smoothness and resilience.
● 全膚質
● 美白+抗皺雙核心
● 拱辰精粹 + Multi-Glow Complex
● 拱辰精粹,含鹿茸、冬蟲夏草等珍貴成份,調理肌膚陰陽平衡,內韻氣生,緩解衰老之宮廷美顏成份
● Multi-Glow Complex,蘊含宮廷珠寶成份,黃金、琥珀、珊瑚、珍珠粉等而成的複合配方,
● 皺紋、毛孔、色斑修飾,持久保持亮麗底妝不暗沉,12小時長效
● 13g + 1粉盒 + 1粉撲
● This is a glow-lasting cushion created to flawlessly smooth and brighten skin with the ability to revive your glow with every tap.
● 特惠內容:
1. 津率享平衡水 150ml (正品)
2. 津率享平衡乳 110ml (正品)
3. 津率享滋養霜 20ml * 精巧版正品
4. 金帛氣墊粉露 * 21號 13g (含粉盒正品)
+ Gift free + 津率享平衡水 20ml
+ Gift free + 津率享平衡乳 20ml
+ Gift free + 秘帖精華 8ml
+ Gift free + 津率享眼霜 4ml
+ Gift free + 津率享洗顏蜜 40ml