● 全膚質
● 抗皺核心
● 華炫上升,天率美肌:完美抵達肌膚光澤、水潤與線條力量的和率之美
● 和率精粹™ + 天氣精粹™
● 和率精粹™:將生長於1000公尺懸崖縫隙中充滿強韌生命力的鐵皮石斛作為萃取
● 天氣精粹™,含山蔘玉珠、鹿茸骨粉、當歸、茯苓在內的營養成份,賦以內髓,補以滋養
● 豐沛水份感,滋養活化肌底,水潤拉提
● 豐沛潤澤感,滋養活化水屏,彈潤拉提
● 美白+抗皺霜核心
● 3-Layer Hydrating System 乳霜質地三重保濕效果,非‧常‧滋‧潤
● Royal jewel Complex 皇家五珍寶複合物:鑽石、珍珠、黃金、白金、琥珀
● 全新玫瑰金粉盒,時尚與奢華兼具,磁扣開闔,體積更輕
● 化妝與天率護膚抗老同步並行,任何角度皆展現完美彈力與光澤
● 13g + 13g + 1粉盒 + 2粉撲
● The foundation cushion, containing one of the core components of Cheonyuldan Hwayul Line, adds more vitality on the top of the vitality coming your own skin. This luxurious illuminating cushion foundation with fine texture gets flawlessly adherent to your skin in order to complete the splendid skin expression. The texture with 3-Layer Hydrating System keep the skin vital for a long time and the fine texture attaches on the skin and creates smooth and sophisticated skin texture. The Royal Jewel Complex infused with diamond and pearl's radiance makes the skin look volumous and radiant.
● 禮盒內容:
1. 天率丹和率精華露 150ml (正品)
2. 天率丹和率精華乳 110ml (正品)
3. 天率丹和率氣墊粉露 * 21號 13g (含粉盒正品)
+ Gift free + 天率丹和率精華露 25ml
+ Gift free + 天率丹和率精華乳 25ml
+ Gift free + 天率丹和率精華 8ml
+ Gift free + 天率丹和率精華霜 10ml
+ Gift free + 天率丹和率提拉夜膜 10ml