● 全膚質
● 美白+抗皺雙核心
● 男仕肌膚專用
● Bio-redox a™ (89.8%):淨化疲憊與黯沉
● 前導 + 化妝水 + 精華,三步驟合一款
● Made up of 89.8% IOPE Bio-Redox™ and developed with unique bio-incubating technology, Bio Essence instantly conditions men's skin.
● 全膚質
● 男仕肌膚專用
● 抗皺核心
● 大豆 + 牛磺酸+ 腺苷,有助抗衰老與改善皺紋,堤身肌膚彈力
Anti-aging moisture emulsion for men’s skin to reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.
● 禮盒內容:
1. 生機潤肌露 145ml (正品)
2. 生機還原乳 120ml (正品)
+ Gift free + 生機潤肌露 18ml
+ Gift free + 生機還原乳 18ml
+ Gift free + 完美潔淨洗顏乳 50g