● 愛茉莉太平洋醫美品牌 AESTURA
● 全膚質、敏感膚質
● 抗皺核心
● Derma Tightening Barrier Capsule™ + PDRN複合物
● Derma Tightening Barrier Capsule™ 10,000 ppm:由肌屏護理必需成份的神經醯胺、膽固醇與
脂肪酸,結合膠原蛋白與維他命C衍生物所組成的護屏配方 ,改善敏感皮膚者的肌膚屏障與毛孔彈性
● 含21% PDRN複合物,天然的DNA組成物,刺激細胞修復與再生的成份,促生膠原蛋白,排除老化質,
● 針對彈力密度六大指標進行改建:前額、顴骨、臉頰、嘴角、頸紋與毛孔彈性
● 每日煥顏,七日即感
● 7-days skin density and elasticity care product complete with the Derma Tightening Barrier Capsule™ specialized for sensitive skin types strengthens skin elasticity and barrier at the same time to complete healthy and firm skin.